Friday, April 10, 2015


Good Friday everyone. Today is the start of the weekend and today we are doing a cover reveal for P.M/ Barnes new book VIRAL SNOW

                           BOOK BLURB
When Mia lost the most precious thing to her, she also lost her ability to function in the outside world.
Now her entire life consists of the space within her loft and what she can see from her large picture window.
Keeping things out and her feelings in, is how she makes herself safe.

There are others who suffer as well, but they are not satisfied with doing so in isolation.
They have chosen to show humanity what it has become.

On a snowy day in late fall, along with the rest of the world, Mia may lose what little she has left.
Is there any hope for mankind when the view of the inside, makes it's way out?
I'm a poet turned fiction writer, who also happens to be an avid reader. I've had a library card for as long as I can remember and more books than you can fit into a studio apartment.

I have hosted multiple events for poets, musicians and storytellers. I feel most at home with artist because of their quest to have a more profound understanding of things.

As an author I find it hard to escape the perspective of being "the reader", the observer. In this way, I am able to enjoy the stories as they unfold from my hands. It also means that I am very conscious of the emotions that I cultivate in my readers. I know how to provide suspense and build relationships that bind you to the characters.

What I really love about stories surrounding the post-apocalypse and specifically zombie tales, is that it gets to the crux of all of our fears. It speaks to our desire to keep anarchy at bay and of how scared we are at the depth of our own depravity.
My main goal as a writer is to entertain. That being said, if you learn anything new about yourself or the world around you in the process of reading my work, then I feel like I have succeeded in providing you with something deeper.

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